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Columbia College Campus
Columbia College

Columbia College


Columbia College was founded in 1854 as Columbia Female College by the Methodist Conference of South Carolina. The College, located on Plain Street, now Hampton, in Columbia, SC, opened to students in October 1859.

In 1865 during the height of the Civil War, the College closed as General Sherman’s troops approached Columbia but reopened in 1873. In 1904, the College dropped “Female” from its name and moved to Eau Claire after benefactors Frederick H. Hyatt and Col. John T. Sloan donated land.

In 1964, the campus survived a fire that destroyed the Old Main classroom building and the East Wing Dormitory. What remained of the columns became a symbol for the College and has since been incorporated into the logo.

Columbia College, a private institution, continues to serve as an institution for higher education with approximately 1,200 male and female students in both undergraduate and graduate courses.

  • College or University
  • Columbia

Institution Links

  • Financial Aid Office
  • Online Application
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After graduating from the Early Childhood program, I left feeling fully prepared and eager to start. So far I have been able to handle every situation that has been thrown at me.

Mary Mastromichalis

Columbia College


Bachelor’s & certification

Undergraduate Teacher Certification Program

  • 48 months

    Program Duration

  • In-person

    Program Format

  • Pre-Test Required


Relevant Links

Program Info

"Students entering the undergraduate program for teacher certification can expect to be fully prepared to enter a classroom as the teacher of record upon graduation. Advisors, instructors and college supervisors get to know teacher candidates personally, and support them through the process of becoming a teacher.

Columbia College aims to prepare teachers to be “Collaborative Professionals,” to guide twenty-first century learners to become contributing members of a diverse, global community. Columbia College defines a Collaborative Professional as having:

  • The courage to be a leader within and beyond the classroom.
  • The commitment to be a reflective practitioner and life-long learner.
  • The confidence to seek opportunities to collaborate with others.
  • The competence in the application of content and professional practice of the discipline to support all diverse learners.

Teacher candidates will learn about and commit to the attainment of professional knowledge, skills and dispositions of the Collaborative Professional in their earliest education courses.

Columbia College has worked to develop a program model that reflects the collective beliefs and knowledge of teacher education. "

Upcoming Deadlines

  • Deadlines

    Program Start

  • Rolling Deadline

  • Rolling Deadline


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Application Fee & Annual Tuition

Learn how to get$100 Back
and apply for a$1000 Scholarship

  • $20,080

    In State Tuition

  • $20,080

    Out of State Tuition

  • $0

    Application Fee

Ways to Lower Your Costs

Students at Columbia College have reduced the cost of their program using these methods. Check with Columbia College to see if you can, too!


Grants, Stipends, Scholarships


Columbia College's 166-year history is rooted in developing exceptional teachers and leaders. We're proud to join the Call Me MiSTER program (Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role Models), an initiative that fits squarely within our mission to prepare students for success in career, community, and life.

Call Me MiSTER launched at Clemson and has since extended to 25 institutions statewide. The program supports students from under-served, socio-economically disadvantaged, and educationally at-risk communities as they prepare to become teachers. 

Learn More.

Full Amount

SC Create

Columbia College offers a fully distance/online Bachelor’s degree program that leads to initial licensure in Multi-categorical Special Education. No previous college coursework is required for CREATE funding.  All individuals employed as SC public teacher assistants/paraeducators and other non-instructional staff who do not hold a Bachelor’s degree are eligible for either program. No district nomination required. Learn More.

For more information visit:Financial Aid Office


Dance Pre-K-12
Early Childhood Education Pre-K-3
Elementary Education 2-6
English 9-12
Middle Language Arts 5-8
Middle Math 5-8
Middle Science 5-8
Middle Social Studies 5-8
Special Education / Multi-categorical Pre-K-12


  • Male

  • Female



  • American Indian or Alaskan Native

  • Asian

  • Black

  • Hispanic/Latino

  • Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

  • White

  • Two or more races








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